Last night I talked to my ex girlfriend J. for the first time in a long time..a month or two maybe. We actually had a really good conversation about school, work, and relationships....We also talked about stereotypes with gender and relationships.. I was talking to her about how.. after briefly dating the last girl I dated.. My stereotypes for women in relationships sort of shattered..
I had always thought..
OK.. with women you are
guaranteed to have a romantic,
nurturing, emotional partner. I was
surprised to find that this isn't always the case.. as it wasn't the case
with her. So J and I discussed that as a queer woman I'm attracted to women because I believe they will offer me these things.. yet at the same time I shouldn't limit myself considering there are men out there who could offer that as well.. ..
meh who knows..
I prefer women but I try to remain open minded about who I may fall in love with..
Anyways J is doing good, the conversation was very satisfying.. She's happy and busy and doing well with school and activities.. She's in a relationship that has lasted 6 months.. I'm happy for her.. as much as I wanted her to be miserable after cheating on me.. I'm glad she can have a happy and healthy relationship now..