May 8, 2007

I want I want I want I want...

I need this shirt a little..and the girl in it.. oh Urban Outfitters.. you're silly..

I want this shirt too! It says.. "I like it rough" All the shirts at Lochers are adorable and funny as hell! I suggest everyone check them out. Unfortunately they're kind of pricey....

Ourchart .. is not My Chart

Maybe I've been spoiled by myspace of facebook, but I can't stand Ourchart! I'm not a fan of their search methods.. or their profile questions.. or the lack of multiple photos.. I just don't find the site to be that user friendly or attractive. I find myself just emailing people my myspace page when someone adds me via Ourchart.

The creators of Ourchart mean well... but the profiles they let users create lack depth and the connection they claim to be spreading..

Is it just me?

check out Ourchart and let me know.

The Lesbian Friend

Yep.. that's me. When other's talk about me a conversation sounds something like this..

"Jessie, yadda yada yada."
"Who is Jessie?"
"Jessie is my lesbian friend"
"oooohhh "

I'm the lesbian friend. I don't know how to feel about it. I don't want my sexuality to be my one and only label, but at the same time I feel as though I'm providing a cultural experience service to all those around that don't know anyone who happens to love someone of the same gender . I try to be a good role model, I try not to fill those negative stereotypes.. I try to just be me.. and if that means I'm a lesbian then so be it as long is it's a good lesbian.

I guess I'm just started to get crabby about being defined souly by my sexuality. These people that call me..their "lesbian friend" don't mean to say it like that.. just as I don't mean to say.. "remember that black guy, mike?" Ugh.. I hate that and I catch myself doing it every so often..

I just want to be me.. Jessie.. not Jessie the lesbian

Then again.. if being the "lesbian friend" gets me more ladies....then by all means.. go ahead