So the media is buzzing with Sarah Palin, Republican Vice Presidential Nominee. And I'm having all sorts of mixed feelings about it.
She's a woman! YAY!
She's a republican. Ew
She's a mother! YAY!
She's conservative. Ew
She is getting a lot of flack for accepting the nomination because she's a mother of young children, one of which has down syndrome, another that is pregnant. But I keep thinking to my self... If this were a man, with a down syndrome child, and a pregnant 17 year old..No one would question their decision to run for VP. So.. kudos to Sarah P for running, I respect her for that.
What I don't respect is her social conservatism. While she has been quoted as saying she has "gay friends" she does not support gay marriage.
"Palin said she's not out to judge anyone and has good friends who are gay, but that she supported the 1998 constitutional amendment.
Elected officials can't defy the court when it comes to how rights are applied, she said, but she would support a ballot question that would deny benefits to homosexual couples.
"I believe that honoring the family structure is that important," Palin said.
She said she doesn't know if people choose to be gay. "
It's funny, as the areas resident lesbian, and a political one at that, I get a lot of people asking.."But don't you think she's hot?!" And I have to be honest.. YES.. Yes I think she's hot. I'll take a powerful woman in sexy glasses any day (insert Tina Fey).
But hot shouldn't decide the election.
So to all the lesbians out there that have the same weakness for a hot brunette in glasses.. Use your strength! Avoid eye glass contact! She may be hot, but she doesn't support you, so don't support her!