Apr 9, 2007


I just started reading this book.. called Look Both Ways .. by Jennifer Baumgardner about bisexuality.. in the book she describes her first serious female attraction to a fellow intern at Ms magazine.. the two had become best friends, the kind of passionate best friends that are almost consumed with eachother...this happens from time to time in female relationships.. i've seen it.. i've been in them before i came out.. yadda yadda..anyways.. here is a bit of an exerpt that made me chuckle

"I wanted Anastasia and me to be best friends who were also sleeping together, but I wanted my straight identity, too. I wanted to date men, kiss men, hit on men, have sex with men. Men didn't feel wrong; it's just that Anastasia felt right, too."


"take for example, how the character Phoee Buffay on Friends explains looking both ways in a song she wrote for children: "sometimes men love women/sometimes men love men/ and then there are bisexuals/ though some just say they're kidding themselves/ Lalalala lalala..." Less colorfully, Elizabeth Wurtzel put it to me like this: " You have to choose eventually, right?"

... On the contrary. What I'm asserting is that we are looing at bisexuality the wrong way, making the identity entirely dependent on someone rather than the bisexual person him- or herself. If I'm dating a man, I'm straight. If I'm dating a woman, I'm a lesbian. But sexuality is not who you sleep with, it's who you are. It doesn't change according to who is standing next to you"

"Homosexuality was invened by a straight world dealing with its own biseuality" - Kate Millett