I want to be a good blogger.
Really I do.
I have so many funny stories to tell about my crazy dating life..and so much more.. yet I'm terrible at keeping this updated.
I think a lot of it has to do with a recent break up.. two months ago my darling girlfriend and I broke up.. I'll keep this short and sweet. She got cold feet about the degree of seriousness we were reaching. She broke my heart. I was a mess, but a healthy and positive mess. During this time apart. I decided to just remain positive, pine for her, but also experiment a little.
I was physically intimate with a man. Yes..no longer am I a gold star lesbian. Was it worth it? I don't know. I learned a lot about relationship dynamics and gender. Men are physically/sexually manipulating, where as women are more emotionally manipulative. Neither is better in my book. The sex part? Not as interesting and stimulating as I thou ht it'd be (
i didn't have high hopes though). It was more or less an experiment, something I thought I'd try. I've always been sexually (but not
emotionally) attracted to men (
i hate that i have to label myself but that is how our society functions). So I thought.. ok, I'm single and a little emotionally distraught, I'll try this out. Well I tried it. I'm over it..end of story there.
This summer also was blessed with
Katy Perrys hit single "I kissed a girl" which I am proud to report, opened a lot of straight girls up to the idea of kissing a girl. Insert ME. The areas resident lesbian. I have had a handful of straight girls interested in having a girl-girl kiss. Is this a pro or con to the song? Both! Fun kissing,and not so fun straight girl lusting. Actually though, it really has made for a fun and interesting summer, especially when there is drinking involved.
Forget about me though. I've seen many of my straight female friends locking lips this summer. I think they share mutual attractions. I mean, really, women are beautiful, women have enough sense to notice the beauty of other women. It really comes down to, "kissing girls is soooo nice! They're so soft!" I've heard this a lot lately. Well congrats to all my favorite straight women, you have experimented! Now, stop breaking all the poor lesbians hearts.
This whole.. bi curious awakening had a little bit of an effect of me. I had a short lived crush on the bi curious sister of my very best friend. We both realized it was a bad idea though, fun for week or so..but she likes boys.We both had broken hearts well, and it was nice for the two of us to have someone to talk to about it. We became really close as friends as a result. I'm a lucky girl.
Ok so a boy, random straight girl kisses, yadda yadda... I was still feeling completely empty after all of it. I missed my girlfriend. I was very much in love with her still. However, she came to visit about a month after the break up. We met for lunch and went shopping and everything was perfect. It was like we never broke up. We kissed.. We held hands. It was lovely. It left me with a lot of questions though. Fast forward another month. I went to visit her in her fabulous new adopted city and we spent an entire beautiful weekend together. She admitted to having cold feet. She apologized. She asked me to be her girlfriend.
We are back together and more in love than ever. Everyone kept using that cliche line. "if you love her let her go".. everyone said to be patient. They were right.
If it's meant to be, it'll be. Everything happens for a reason. And this.. made us stronger.
So from now on this blog will be filled with advice, lesbian related news, and the funny stories my girlfriend and I seem to be constantly creating.