I meet someone absolutely amazing, like no one I've ever met before..
and she's contimplating a move 6 hours away.
Of course it's way to soon in getting to know her to say.."Don't Move!" but I just have this feeling that if the move happens I'll be missing out on getting to know (that is in the context that I want) one of the most wonderful women I've ever met. But her opportunity to go is a good one, it'd be exciting, no doubt about it and I'm supportive! I am! I'm just going to be disappointed if it happens. But it's a maybe.. We'll see. I'm not trying to be a negative-nancy about the opportunity for her to move, really I'm not...I'm sure she knows this. I really think it'd be great for her. I just wish our timing was better.
What ever happens, happens. If it's meant to be it'll be...
Everything happens for a reason.
I just have to keep living by that.
Until she figures it out we're going to enjoy getting to know eachother and have fun, and that's really all that matters ....
Women like her seriously are a rarity, not just in the lesbian community but in general. In the michigan lesbian community however, she's a UNICORN... (a unicorn? yes.. a myth, a fairytale, rare, ect..ect..) attractive, kind, funny, selfless, funny, driven, happy.. I could rant forever about how wonderful she is but I'm sure you get the point.