The Girlfriend recently came to my neck of the woods, something that is rare because her work schedule makes is difficult to come here, and besides.. I love going to her big city. So she came for a weekend and we had a great time. Her first morning there my mother tried stealing her away from me by seducing her with craftiness (a literal craftiness example: scrap booking). My mom showered her with gifts of scrapbook supplies (a hobby they share) and the two had a blast talking and playing. I sat off to the side pouting. When I came out at 16 to my mother, I never thought I'd one day have to compete with her for my girlfriends attention. I'm so grateful. They're adorable together. My mom wants to trade me for her.. I explained that she was lucky enough to get us as a package deal.
She even baked cookies especially for my dad. Needless to say my parents continue to fall more and more in love with her every time they see her. My mother even threw herself on my bed in protest on her leaving as she packed. It was adorable.
We had a great time with my family and friends but it was jammed packed. With our infrequent visits we are always trying to do as much as possible when we are together, and it's exhausting.. The day she left, as she drove back to her big city life, I called and confessed that I could not possibly handle the distance anymore, that my bed felt cold and empty (even though i complain that she gets too warm at night), my heart was sore, and my eyes swollen from crying like a baby every time our weekends together end. I told her I was tired of packing everything into a weekend.. I was tired of not seeing her when I wake up.. I was tired.. just plain exhausted and that it was time I do something about it. I vaguely suggested that within the next couple months I was going to take the steps to either get closer to Chicago, or actually live there...and that's when she said it..
"well maybe you should move in with me next semester and think about going to school here.."
This is big considering the first time we talked about this she freaked and the conversation led to a break for her to figure out exactly what she wanted...
So I said Ok. I told my mom, she cried. I told the family I nanny for.. they panicked... I opened a new bank account and devised a subsequent plan to save for a move shortly after the holidays. I don't think anyone really believes I'll do it. I've been comfortable here, at home at my small little community college, living with my parents, and avoiding the big steps I need to make towards my career and just growing up. It's time. I have a great city and a loving girlfriend waiting for me.
I'm moving in!
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