May 22, 2007

Old Flames Part 1

Things had been pretty nonexistent in the dating scene for me for the last month. I've decided to just sort of, not focus on dating, girls, relationships..yadda yadda.. because it wasn't doing me any good. Then this weekend rolled around and I'm just all sorts of confused...

This weekend I went out of town to visit some friends from school in Kalamazoo. Well A. is from Portage which is right next to Kalamazoo. I've mentioned A. before:
"Then there was A. who is seemingly perfect we had so much in common, a wonderful girl, but she just couldn't deal with commitment of any kind so through the spring and part of the summer we were sort of on again off again flirty friends with crushes on each other..never more ..We really liked each other, but she goes to school 3 hours away and well, it just wasn't going work."

So we decided to get together for lunch.. she was so beautiful ..sigh.. Anyways lunch was good and then we went back to her house and we went for pretty walk with her cute dog and talked some more.. then on they way back to where I was staying.. she put her hand on my thigh..I put my hand over hers..and then we held hands.. When we got to my friends house she walked me to the door and we kissed! we go again... it's the same story every time.. and I don't know what to do about it..
We're good when we're together, so when we can be in the same place at the same time.. we're couple-ish.. but as soon as we part ways and go back home (which is three hours apart from each other) I don't hear from her hardly at all until the next time we see each other and the cycle starts again.. It happened last year around this time, it happened in July.. again in Feb and now in May...

I know we can't do the long distance thing.. I understand that.. So I try to just be open to .. "when we can be together..lets BE together and when we're not.. there's no expectations?"
but it gets a little frustrating or confusing at times..

Who knows..

May 8, 2007

I want I want I want I want...

I need this shirt a little..and the girl in it.. oh Urban Outfitters.. you're silly..

I want this shirt too! It says.. "I like it rough" All the shirts at Lochers are adorable and funny as hell! I suggest everyone check them out. Unfortunately they're kind of pricey....

Ourchart .. is not My Chart

Maybe I've been spoiled by myspace of facebook, but I can't stand Ourchart! I'm not a fan of their search methods.. or their profile questions.. or the lack of multiple photos.. I just don't find the site to be that user friendly or attractive. I find myself just emailing people my myspace page when someone adds me via Ourchart.

The creators of Ourchart mean well... but the profiles they let users create lack depth and the connection they claim to be spreading..

Is it just me?

check out Ourchart and let me know.

The Lesbian Friend

Yep.. that's me. When other's talk about me a conversation sounds something like this..

"Jessie, yadda yada yada."
"Who is Jessie?"
"Jessie is my lesbian friend"
"oooohhh "

I'm the lesbian friend. I don't know how to feel about it. I don't want my sexuality to be my one and only label, but at the same time I feel as though I'm providing a cultural experience service to all those around that don't know anyone who happens to love someone of the same gender . I try to be a good role model, I try not to fill those negative stereotypes.. I try to just be me.. and if that means I'm a lesbian then so be it as long is it's a good lesbian.

I guess I'm just started to get crabby about being defined souly by my sexuality. These people that call me..their "lesbian friend" don't mean to say it like that.. just as I don't mean to say.. "remember that black guy, mike?" Ugh.. I hate that and I catch myself doing it every so often..

I just want to be me.. Jessie.. not Jessie the lesbian

Then again.. if being the "lesbian friend" gets me more ladies....then by all means.. go ahead

May 2, 2007

May 1, 2007

K Update..

Oh! I forgot to update about K.

Uh.. I need to give you a little background on K. K, is known by my friends as.."that bisexual Mormon girl that was into bdsm that you dated for like a month" .. that says it all.. funny story. I liked the girl a lot, a lot a lot... she was cute and innocent looking.. cardigan sweaters and glasses.. she had the cute librarian look going for her.. she was funny and was always warm... I was way into her and didn't really seem as into me..

Our first..or maybe second date she expressed an interest in BDSM while talking over the Whole Lesbian Sex Book (gag, worst book ever)... I changed the subject because, two years ago I was not as sexually open minded and experimental as I am today.. That was the first and last time we talked about it. after about one month of dating, we were kissing.. and I was unbuttoning her shirt.. and making my way down her chest... when.. I noticed BIG BLACK LETTERS that read.."Daddy's Girl" in magic marker across her torso... that was quickly followed by a "what the hell is this?"

Yeah, well that BDSM interest she had mentioned? She was serious, and well.. she found an online "master" of sorts to ease her into BDSM culture. The black magic marker across her torso was a request..or rather, demand? of his..

Things went down hill from there..

Months later I heard from her.. she said that she had really liked me ( i was surprised, she never seemed as interested as i was..) well I had already met someone.. and was happy.. When I ended up single.. she wasn't...just wasn't right for the time .

Well.. she was the call I got recently.. we hung out..and it was nice she's much or attentive and affectionate and interested.. but now I'm just not interested and I feel terrible about it... oh well.. we can still be friends she's a great girl I just don't feel that connection anymore...

Lacking Lesbians

I feel like I'm seriously lacking lesbian culture lately. I find myself lusting after unattainable straight girls and even questioning if that cute sensitive guy is worth a second thought...

There are no other queer girls in my group of friends.. and I'm not dating anyone who has other lesbian friends like the last girl I dated.. I don't really get into the whole gay scene in Detroit/Ann Arbor.

I just got done reading Look Both Ways the book I mentioned previously..
And the L Word is on it's little break!

What is a gay girl to do?!

I get my kicks by convincing my straight girl friends to kiss me while slightly intoxicated (please note that this always work.. )

That leads me to ponder my straight female friends, especially after reading that book... I've noticed how much my friends have evolved since my coming out. Many of my old and new friends have never had gay friends.. and if they did it was a guy, I was their first "lesbian" .. My friends are so wonderful and open minded now, so accepting. I'm a lucky girl.. But I really can't help but notice how comfortable they've become with their own sexuality since knowing me. I can't take all the credit.. but I've really pushed my friends to embrace their sexuality be it straight bi or gay.. be it inactive or active.. be it boring or kinky... and they're really warming up. My newer friends that are new to homosexuality are always asking questions about it, which I'm fine answering.. and it pleases me that they feel comfortable asking away. I just hope I can provide them with a good example.

It's funny, we always joke about where we all stand on a Kinsey like scale (which is really irrelevant because it's one dimensional.. there is a much better 3 dimensional scale out there that I'll have to post about later..) anyways.. they're number has grown increasingly more gay friendly.. one friend has gone from a 2 to a 5 on a 1-10 scale (1 being way straight 10 being so so so gay).. another friend claims to be a 4 not bad? I think I'd be a 7.635 on that scale ..anyways.. NOT BAD! Not that I think I'm proving the conservative right by recruiting women to be lesbians.. (OK.. but i wish i was).

Oh.... no l word, no lesbians around, no good lesbian movies... I'm sort of itching for something exciting. Then again why do I have to be surrounded by lesbian things.. I'm not just a lesbian.. blah it's one of those struggles.. am I making my sexuality to big of a part of me, I think I am.
I'm not just a lesbian.. that's a just a part of me..

Sigh.. Good news though. Beth Ditto, the lesbian rocker from The Gossip started her own Advice Column in G2.. Google it!