Jul 28, 2007


After that last dramatic dating encounter, I have met a new girl.. We are taking it slow and getting to know each other. She's my totally type:
-dark curly hair

and so far normal


so far so good, we have fun together, she likes my parents and my friends and they like her... and so do I


Damn, sorry I haven't updated in forever.. a lot has been going on..

Lets seee.. the most recent crazyness to enter my life has been really quite dramatic and shocking... it didn't start out that way though..

A few weeks ago, probably a month ago by now.. My friends and I started going to the local gay bar (which is a dump but it's all we have) when we witnessed the ear bleeding inducing karaokee that occurs there every thursday night, to top it off it's admission free and dollar drink night! Well one night when my friend and I were dueting on stage to Like A Virgin, we were rolling on the ground like the queen madonna herself, when I jumped back up and said "If THAT doesn't get me a girlfriend, it better get me a drink" the crowd laughed and we went back to our seats.. minutes later a drink was placed infront of me by a cute girl with curly hair who said.."this may not be a girlfriend, but it IS a drink" I thanked her and then other people started talking to me.. and we sort of left it at that.. well long story short, i got her number and we started hanging out. We got close fast and she insisted on hanging out every day.. which is new to me because I've always been in long distance relationships where this was never the case.

I was ok with spending a lot of time together at first... the first few days were great as she was the most attentive person I've ever dated she gave me all the attention I've always poured into other people but never gotten back.. She made me dinner.. she bought me drinks when we went out.. she looked at me like I was the most beautiful girl in the world. I got to know a lot about her and her troubled past and was really relieved to know that she was such a great person regardless... but then three days straight of hanging out turned into five.. then seven... and it got to be a lot. I was never home.. I wasn't able to see my friends.. and I just was exhausted as hell.

Oh wait! I forgot to mention that five dates in she had a terrible day and decided to drink and take pills to fix it and expected me to put up with it.. she insisted I come back to her house with her (we met friends at a bar, where at the time i didn't know the severity of her bad day or her drinking/pill popping ) so i did, but when we got back to her house and the pills were consumed.. and the slurring and stubbling commencened I started to get pissed. I wasn't about to spend my first night over with her being a mess. I understand having a bad day but handling it like that.. yeah..not cool. After having to listen to her say bad things about the two of us and about herself I finally got her into bed.. apparently the drinking and pills didn't effect her sex drive because.. well.. yeah she wanted to, i didn't, but we ended up fooling around. And I hate to be full of tooo much info, but really this has to be said in a blog about my dating life. So, back to the story, as we're fooling around and she's about to climax... she screams " DO YOU WANT TO HAVE BABIES WITH ME?!"....
WHAT!? Yes.. go ahead, laugh.. I sure as hell did.. I mean..Really..

Ok.. so after that night.. I was feeling done..but she insisted she wasn't normally like that.. and by then I was exhausted and needed a day with friends and family.. So i did just that. I made plans and decided this was my night away ..and when she called to make plans and I told her I had some that night, she said she couldn't see me anymore! Who DOES THAT? A little immature.. considering she's six years older than I am.

More drama came after..after a night at the bar she apparently was followed home by a friend who is in love with her and jealous of me, and the friend beat her up..

so after..
- "do you want to have babies with me?!?!"
-"i cant see you anymore because you don't want to spend time with me" (after spending every day with her)
- and after crazy violent friend

i was done.. and she hates me for it..but my god how much drama can one girl take?


Interesting, really... but enough.. it lasted a week and a halfish..

Jul 2, 2007


When it comes to my ex J, I sometimes forget what is and isn't my place. I still worry about her... I still care about her.. when she's sad or sick I want to be there for her.. but it's not my place anymore. She has a new girlfriend and they're happy and she doesn't need me to take care of her like I was so used to doing during our relationship.

But... recently she had some health problems, serious health problems. During these health problems her parents started a fight with her over her new girlfriend, thus making it uncomfortable for the upcoming surgery. I volunteered to go and act as a mediator because her parents like me..and I'm on good terms with her new girlfriend so I could keep them from anything potentially negative. The more and more I thought about it though, it just didn't seem right.

I really wanted to be there for her, but at the same time I didn't want to offend her new girlfriend or stress her parents out. In the end I tried looking at it from her new girlfriends point of view.. "would i really want my girlfriends ex at her surgery?" No.. I wouldn't. So I didn't go.

Everything turned out fine and she's fine.. But for a good week I was torn on what to do. What if it hadn't turned out ok? What if I wasn't there when terrible news came? If anyone is reading this? What would you do?