Oct 15, 2008

Kittens, Husbands and French Maids OH MY

As I think..and over think..and think some more about my move to Chicago to be with The Girlfriend...I keep thinking of all the things I'll miss.

While I'll miss my parents, my friends, and my coworkers.. I've complained to The Girlfriend that I'll miss having a furry creature to love. This is a problem. I've always had pets, I love animals.. but The Girlfriends roommate does not.

A dog is out of the question, he hates cats, so he'll probably hate a house rabbit.. regardless I'm excited to live with him and just adore him but in order to see if it wasn't just him denying me pet ownership (maybe she secretly doesn't want animals either but makes him look like the bad guy) i asked ...

Me "Sooo say it were just you and I living together.. would you let me get a kitten? It could be like..our little baby and I'd love it and hold it and squeeze it?"

Her " sure!"

Me "oh.. so .. i dooo have a nice girlfriend who would give me all the puppies and kittens i ever wanted?"

Her "Yes, except your girlfriends HUSBAND doesn't want any"

- "girlfriends husband" it's so true the girlfriend and the roommate are a total married couple, both gay but an excellent friendship and partnership..so it's definitely like moving in with another set of parents. Hey at least I'll have him around to lift heavy things and attempt to put together things I buy from ikea... and she can cook for me! (my job is to clean..in a french maids outfit)

Moving sounds like bliss.. except for the kitten part...

Lori C and the Beaver Bunch

Meet Lori C! We've actually never met in person, but have talked a few times at the insistence of a mutual friend.. until Lori and I actually do get a chance to meet up and eat the sushi we've been promising.. I get to know her via her vlogs! (yes much cooler than a blog.. sorry)

Anyway.. she is a part of The Beaver Bunch .. " five very different LGBTQ members have come together to break stereotypes, discuss the world at large, and answer your questions."

She's Miss Tuesday! So catch her vlogs each and every tuesday at the beaver bunch.