Nov 28, 2007

Everything Happens For A Reason....Right?

I swear.. I have some ironic luck.

I meet someone absolutely amazing, like no one I've ever met before..
and she's contimplating a move 6 hours away.

Of course it's way to soon in getting to know her to say.."Don't Move!" but I just have this feeling that if the move happens I'll be missing out on getting to know (that is in the context that I want) one of the most wonderful women I've ever met. But her opportunity to go is a good one, it'd be exciting, no doubt about it and I'm supportive! I am! I'm just going to be disappointed if it happens. But it's a maybe.. We'll see. I'm not trying to be a negative-nancy about the opportunity for her to move, really I'm not...I'm sure she knows this. I really think it'd be great for her. I just wish our timing was better.

What ever happens, happens. If it's meant to be it'll be...
Everything happens for a reason.
I just have to keep living by that.

Until she figures it out we're going to enjoy getting to know eachother and have fun, and that's really all that matters ....

Women like her seriously are a rarity, not just in the lesbian community but in general. In the michigan lesbian community however, she's a UNICORN... (a unicorn? yes.. a myth, a fairytale, rare, ect..ect..) attractive, kind, funny, selfless, funny, driven, happy.. I could rant forever about how wonderful she is but I'm sure you get the point.

Lesbian Communication Dynamics!

Monday in my social psychology class my teacher gave us a handout, the handout was a dialouge between a man and woman in a relationship.. we were supposed to read it.. examine it, explain it.. it was basically a woman trying to have an important conversation about their relationship and the man thinking of everything esle in it.. anyways.. it was a lesson on communication in relationships. Unfortunately it was focuses soley on heterosexual relationships. ..I couldn't help but interject the communication dynamic of lesbians..

I think having one supreme communicator (female according to class) and one non-communicator (male according to class) in a relationship isn't just a stereotypically heterosexual dynamic.. I've always been the "over communicator" in my relationships.. and I've always seemed to end up with someone who is the opposite.. So I think this can happen in any kind of relationship gay or straight.. Yet I have been in relationships with women where it is two supreme communicators.. which was sort of interesting to bring up to class..

"imagine this dialouge between TWO WOMEN" ..
it's true.. it would have been full of passive agressive insecure over communication... sometimes i think lesbians, together, over analyze..over talk..

Anyway, it was nice to be able to interject a new dynamic for the class, the people I discussed this with got a kick out of it

Nov 22, 2007

Sorry, Really I am..

It's been a while I know.. and I had promised to update more. I really should have.. a lot has happened

- the previously mentioned relationship did not work out, too much back and forth.. she wasn't ready, wasn't over someone else, wasn't ready to dive into a "real relationship" ..she was new to it all.. About the time I had given up, she was finally ready to give in.. It just didn't work. We're far to different for eachother as well, something I tried to push aside during the chase. I also learned through this..not to settle. The old me would have stayed in it for fear of being alone.. the new me doesn't need to be in a relationship, being in one is an added bonus to my already very full and lovely life.. I'm proud of this step :)

- last month I was a guest on a panel discussing LGBT issue. Much of my participation had to deal with lesbian stereotypes and coming out with few positive role models. I was the "femme" lesbian on the panel. It was interesting.. I made some new friends and I provided a positive example for the class that was participating.

- I recently spoke to H (my first girlfriend) who has moved to a big city post college and is in the process of starting a transition from female to male. It was really interesting to find this out.. I had known for the last year that it's been something on her mind, but it's still really surprising to me because the H. I knew was really feminine.. but this was a result of the conditioning from her parents. Now that she is free to be herself, as an adult, H. now feels more comfortable to transition. I'm fully supportive and I'm she feels comfortable telling me about her new life changes. It's nice to have her in my life still..

- After breaking it off with previously mentioned relationship ( she will be known as N. ) .. I met someone.. it was a fluke..really. A friend from high school was insisting I meet a new friend of his. I didn't really trust his judgment but I agreed to meet her anyways.. annnnd I couldn't have been more wrong. My friend was right.. she's pretty much amazing and perfect for me.. we have so much in common and she appreciates the quirky things about me that few others have, this is because we share some of the same quirks. She's really great.. my friends like her, my parents love her.. I could rant forever. She lives 2.5 hours away though.. But that's ok! We'll figure it out. She's a great girl and I'm excited to get to know her.

- I watched a lesbian movie today that appeared in my mailbox via netflix "It's in the water".. It was sort of campy.. but cute I guess.. not something I'd really suggest spending the time